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Welcome to Sweetwater Valley Little League Home of the 2015 Western Regional Champions

District 42 Bonita, CA

Rental Costs

Field Rental

Sweetwater Valley Little League (SVLL), a non profit organization, grants permission for field or complex use on approval from its Board of Directors.  Use is restricted to the field(s) or area(s) within the complex as approved. The complex is defined as 3321 Conduit Road within the control of SVLL.  This includes, but not limited to the parking area, gated fields, surrounding walking areas, and buildings.

The user assumes responsibility for any risks including damage and injuries resulting from the use of any of the fields and agrees to hold harmless SVLL, SVLL Board of Directors, California Transportation Ventures (CTV Inc) including its subsidiaries and associates, the County of San Diego, and any successors or assigned.

ALL USERS MUST MAINTAIN PROOF OF INSURANCE ON FILE WITH SVLL.  SVLL must be added as an additional insured and certificate holder on a currently valid insurance policy document for all teams, and should be listed as, "Sweetwater Valley Sport Complex. Sweetwater Valley Little League 3321 Conduit Road Bonita, CA 91902"

1. The VP of Operations, Ryan Preciado [email protected], will respond to field rental inquiries as soon as possible to your email request to rent fields at SVLL. He will need dates, times, and field(s) needed. Once he establishes communication and checks availability, he will then instruct you to continue the process listed in the following steps. DO NOT PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEPS UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED TO DO SO!!!
2. Complete the form below and submit proof of any/all team's insurance with SVLL listed added as an additional insured. Send insurance form to Dennis Woods Safety Officer ([email protected]) and CC ([email protected] , [email protected] ,  [email protected])
3. Payment can be made only through Venmo @SweetwaterValley-LittleLeague  (Account has our full name and logo). Payment will be verified by League Treasurer.
4. Safety Officer will sign off on the proof of insurance
5. VP of Operations places rental on calendar.

Unauthorized Use

Unauthorized use, failure to pay, or failure to follow the above guidelines will result in loss of field use permission.

SVLL members are not entitled to use fields outside of the regular season schedule without prior authorization by the Board of Directors or assigned Board Member for field usage.

Organized teams (such as Travel Ball Teams) are not authorized to practice without following the above procedures. SVLL Managers, Coaches, Parents and Players that do not follow this policy may be subject to suspension as members in good standing at SVLL.

As a member, if you find that someone is not authorized to utilize our fields, please report it at [email protected] 

Contact Us

Sweetwater Valley Little League

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 363 Bonita CA 91908, Physical Address: 3321 Conduit Road
Bonita, California 91902

Email Us: [email protected]
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